Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Last Monday morning I was rushed to the hospital with a blood pressure
of 220 over 168. God is Great. I was a walking dead lady with no idea
that my pressure was that high. Fortunately, I work at a school where
there is an EMT Training Academy. So I "just happened" to be talking with one
of the instructors telling her that I was having some mild chest pain
and she took my pressure and called 911.

After being in the hospital (where they found no blockage or clotting
of my heart) They couldn't get the pressure below 180/110. I had been
talking to many friends during this time, but non offered prayer and I
didn't ask - I was praying for myself. By the time Thursday came
around and my pressure was still high, I decided that I needed
corporate prayer. I didn't know my deacon's number and being a
relatively new membber of Enon, my only real connection is with the
Dawning of a New Day Ministry. So I called Helena and she prayed for
me and also called me the next day with my deacon's phone number.

So when they took my pressure Thursday night at around 10pm - it was
160/100 - not good, but down. By Friday afternoon, my pressure had
stabilized at 130/85!!!! And I was discharged Friday night.

I just want to take this opportunity to thank Helena for her
encouragement, inspiration and most of all her powerful prayer.
Also, thanks for reminding me of the awesome power of
prayer and for letting me know that asking for prayer is not a sign of
weakness, but a sign of strentgh!!!

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